Fibre-Glass Body Design

Body design or cowl design some of you might call it. One of the most dreadful yet intriguing things I've done during my campus life :)

Events and activities

Places we visit and activities we've done throughout the season!

Binbou Ryoko

Trips during our period in Japan.

Rojak Tauhu

You wouldn't know this simple dish would be so delicious!

Jangan Tinggal Solat

Cabaran hidup kat negara Jepun. Nak solat ble masuk waktu ke nk tgg ade tempat n keadaan yg selesa dulu baru nk solat? Pk la sendrik~

Monday, February 18, 2013

Adik bongsuku


Siapa nak tahu,adik saya baik sangat-sangat.Dia belanja saya makan,minum,beli baju dan macam-macam lagilah.Untung ada adik yang terbaik macam ni.Dahlah comel baik pulak tu.K-lah.Bye.Assalamualaikum.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Binbou Ryoko

Translated as "budget travel", or can I use the term "backpacking"?

Ever done one?  Honestly its not really enjoy doing it especially if you can’t sleep without a fluffy bed, bantal busuk or any of your sleeping utensils.  I’ve always wanted to experience once, just to know how it feel to force yourself to feel comfortable and enjoy the trip.

So, in the end of winter in 2010, I planned a trip of about 1054km across Japan.  Yep.  From the northern island of Hokkaido, all the way to Tokyo - by train.  And if you think it is still comfortable enough, we are only permitted to use local train: which mean you have to change trains to get to the next city, which is pretty exhausting.  

It is called the “18 kippu” or, the full name, “seishun 18 kippu (青春18切符)” which could be translated as “tickets for the 18 year old youth (??)” Its actually a promotion by the Japan Railway(JR) for people who didn’t have much money but strong enough to withstand long-distance travel - which is commonly the youth.  Therefore it is name as such, although your grandfather of 65 year old are also eligible to buy and use it.

It is actually a trip I planned for Zaidi and pijot : the two master students who came for 4 months to Hokkaido University for their research.  During the final month of their stay here, we decided to go to Disneysea, which is in Tokyo, by using the “18 kippu”.

Our first stop: Aomori station  

The trip took us almost 22hours to get to Utsunomiya station from Sapporo. Utsunomiya is about 2hours from Tokyo where we stayed at our friend's house.

Along the trip we've seen lot of people and their different cultures as we crossed each perfectures.

Some random statue at Fukushima station

We realize that people in Aomori speaks in a louder voice compared to our beloved Sapporo. We were quite shock that their train is merrier with people talk to each other. Whereas in Sapporo people tend to behave in trains and lower their voices when they speak.

Mito having problem with his ticket at Tokyo

And the other thing that we realized during the trip, or at least I realized, that, their girls aren't as cute as in Sapporo's. :P

Maybe I haven't seen enough.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Plasma review

Everyone in primary school learned the basics of matters - they’re known to be exist in three states: solid, liquid or gas. But as you further your studies in physics, you’ll come to learn that there is actually another state of matter that concedes gas - plasma.

 Whereas you can’t really see the gas, you can actually see plasma clearly. Ever seen metal welding process? Or even lightning in the sky? Well, that's plasma. It occurs when gas molecules gain more energy enough for them to lose their electrons to become very unstable. It is very unstable it can only exists for a short amount of time. This is the concept of ionization, which most of us learned in high school (for those who take science classes)

 I’m in my final year in Hokkaido University doing research for my final thesis.

 Some people ask me, why I ended up in material engineering laboratory when I’m enroll in mechanical engineering course? Well, in Hokkaido University it is called 機械知能工学科(Mechanical Systems Engineering?). It is sort of mechanical + electrical + material + nuclear studies. We still have to learn electric circuits, basic programming, nuclear plant design, material physics, plasma physics, together with all those mechanical subjects you expect us to learn. That's why we could choose to go to mechanical or nuclear or even material labs.

 Someone complaints about me not updating my blog. Hows that for a start? Been busy completing my thesis and experiments so if I were to write that will be about my thesis :P
Ninja village, Noboribetsu

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Ok seriously it sucks~ Most of us were really beginner at this time.

Our first recorded cover song in 2008.  Can't really say that Band MISA is officially disbanded.  Maybe the next time we jam together,  the name would be change.  Afterall we won't be MISA anymore~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter = Fuyu (冬-ふゆ)

Musim sejuk datang lagi. Salji turun dari langit, udara yang macam kat dalam peti sejuk… Musim ni la banyak jumpa kemalangan melibatkan manusia yang tersilap mengatur langkah sebab jalan licin, atau pun manusia yang terlalu bijak dengan berbasikal atas jalan yang licin.
Aktiviti musim sejuk: main salji. (tribute to anep)

Selain kemalangan melibatkan pejalan kaki, musim sejuk ni pun menyebabkan peningkatan kemalangan jalan raye, terutama kat Hokkaido ni. Kemalangan jalan raye paling banyak kat Hokkaido adalah disebabkan masalah jalan yang licin bila musim sejuk. Contohnya, korang ngah drive nak sampai simpang bile lampu isyarat merah. Kalau jalan tu licin sangat, maybe sebab baru lepas rebut salji ke, atau pun tayar winter da haus, kenderaan korang mmg susah nak brenti macam drive bukan musim sejuk. Omputih kata slippery la. Aku pernah Nampak depan mata sendri bila ade satu kete ni punye bijak speeding time slippery nih, sebab nak kejar lampu kuning punye pasal. Tapi die tak sempat, pastu rempuh van yang ngah baru nak masuk simpang. DUa-dua sliding pastu same-same sodok tiang lektrik. Nasib baik takde kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan. Camtu la bahayenye keadaan musim sejuk kat Hokkaido ni.

Snow festival 2007. nampak muda sungguh mereka itu. 
Kat sini aku terpikir. Malaysia yang takde salji turun tu pun banyak kes kemalangan jalan raye gak. Agaknye kalo musim sejuk ade kat Malaysia tuh, makin berkurang lah lagi bilangan rakyat Malaysia disebabkan kemalangan jalan raya. Macam mane nak didik pemandu kita biar diorang hargai nyawa orang lain?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jangan tinggal solat

Itula pesanan yang banyak kali diperingatkan. Kalo kol mak kat rumah, last skali mesti mak pesan tu. Baru-baru ni masa ucapan Faridah sensei sebelum die balik Malaysia pun ade die ingatkan kitorang supaya jangan tinggal solat. Well.. sebagai orang islam, memang satu kewajipan la solat tu kan.

Banyak cabaran untuk mengerjakan solat bila duduk kat negara bukan islam ni. First sekali dah memang la surau tu xde. So bila time kelas ke.. atau ngah g jalan-jalan kat mall atau jauh dari rumah, kene la cari tempat yang agak-agak sesuai nak solat.

Contohnya bila g mall n da masuk waktu solat. Memula nk amek wuduk tu dah satu hal. Korang kene amek wuduk kat sinki. Bile time nak basuh kaki tu korang terpaksa angkat la kaki masuk sinki tu. Kene la wat muke dek je bile orang-orang jepun wat muka pelik tengok. Pastu masuk la time nak mengerjakan solat. Orang-orang jepun ni tak tau adab-adab orang ngah solat so ade la kes-kes yang time ngah solat tu, kene tegur la.. kene tengok semacam la..

Tapi, macam ne pun, terpulang la pada diri sendiri. Ada jugak yang rase segan bila nak solat kat tepi jalan, kat taman ke.. so diorang KIV solat diorang n wat kat rumah. Tak kurang yang tinggal terus.. Kadang-kadang tu kite cube nak carik tempat yang betul-betul sesuai n tak diganggu orang. Pastu duk tangguh-tangguh, last2 terlepas waktu..

Memang banyak cabaran nak tunaikan solat bila kat negara yang bukan islam ni.. Ko kene betul-betul kuatkan hati n banyak tawakkal. Kalo tak memang tak solat la...

Pesanan aku untuk sesape yang membaca : Jangan tinggal solat :-) Nanti tuhan marah...

Monday, July 5, 2010

So long.. take care...

Faridah sensei mula mengajar aku mase kat AAJ UM dulu lagi. Masa tu die ajar aku chemistry. Dalam kelas die agak straight. Pantang nampak budak tidur je die soh bangun jawab soalan. Pastu die ajar kitorang tulisan kanji gak. Yang tu pun sakit gak. Die soh budak sorang-sorang pegi depan tulis kanji yang blajar hari tu. Majoriti kantoi la.

Bila aku dipilih masuk Hokkaido Universiti ni.. kebetulan die pun ade sini wat phd. Kat sini baru la kenal Faridah sensei bebetul, skali ngn famili die.. Ekceli mase memula jumpe die kat sini tu takut gak sebab duk ingat imej die time kat UM dulu, tapi selama kenal die kat sini takde langsung imej garang n tegas die macam dalam kelas dulu-dulu tu.

Faridah sensei wat phd 3 tahun kat sni. Sampai bulan 12 2006. Aku sampai sini april 2007. Alhamdulillah die dah grad minggu lpas n dah selamat pulang ke Malaysia. Kepulangan famili Faridah sensei n abg Halim bermakna makin kurang la bilangan ahli keluarga Sapporo ni.. makin kurang la anak-anak kecik nak dilayan abang-abang n kakak-kakak kat sini..

Kat sni aku tunjukkan gambar-gambar famili diorang yang aku ade. Tak banyak pun n majoriti dari kamera orang lain. Sebelum diorg berangkat pulang sempat ramai-ramai pegi makan strawberry.

To Faridah sensei n family, Good luck with life in Malaysia. Kalau ada rezeki kite jumpe lagi. Saya tak sempat nak pegi Shiretoko ngn sensei so sensei kene la datang Hokkaido ni lagi. hehe..

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